Photo of students during counseling session.

PhD in Counseling

Director: Dr. Amanda Baden
Office: University Hall, Room 2169
Phone Number: 973-655-7336

Program Associate: Dr. Susan Fuller
Office: University Hall, Room 2179
Phone Number: 973-655-3220


The PhD in Counseling prepares individuals to work as faculty and administrators in colleges and universities; advanced clinicians and supervisors in mental health agencies and private practice; consultants; and school and agency leaders. Our program affords students a unique, student-centered doctoral program experience:

  • Students have the opportunity to develop scholarly expertise, tailored to the student’s specific interest, while also learning and engaging in faculty research.
  • Intentional diversity is the signature of our program and is reflected in our faculty and students, research areas, commitment to advocacy and social justice, and community engagement within local, regional, national and international communities.
  • Our diverse renowned faculty of scholar-practitioners provide mentoring and advising in research, coursework and the counseling profession.
  • Our community includes full-time and part-time students who pursue individualized study in areas such as college counseling, higher education, counselor supervision, marriage and family counseling, clinical mental health counseling, play therapy, school counseling, career counseling and addictions counseling.

‌Our graduates have found successful positions as:

  • Faculty members in colleges and universities
  • Agency directors
  • College and university senior administrators
  • Directors of school counseling
  • Consultants, supervisors, and advanced clinicians
Course Requirements

Admission Information

We welcome applications from individuals who share our commitment to diversity and community engagement.

All prospective applicants must have completed a master’s degree in counseling or closely-related field. Applicants who did not take the following courses may be required to take prerequisites prior to enrollment in doctoral counseling core courses.

  • Career Counseling
  • Counseling Techniques
  • Counseling Theories
  • Group Counseling
  • Human Development
  • Legal and Ethical Issues in Counseling
  • Research Methods
  • Testing/Appraisal
  • Practicum and Internship
  • Social and Cultural Diversity

Application Requirements

  • Official transcripts of previous earned degrees and coursework
  • Three (3) professional letters of recommendation from individuals who know the applicant’s clinical work and/or educational abilities. At least one letter from a faculty member and one from a supervisor must be included with the application.
  • Current resume
  • Responses to three (3) essays:
  1. A personal statement in which you describe past accomplishments, educational and work experience that serve as foundational activities to your development as a scholar-practitioner. Explain your rationale for selecting Montclair State University’s Counseling PhD program.
  2. Share your strengths and areas of growth in relation to being a culturally responsive counselor and social justice advocate.
  3. Please discuss your current research interests and how you hope to incorporate them into doctoral study.

The online application may be found at The Graduate School.


Applications are accepted for fall admission only. All application materials must be received by December 1st. Please visit the Graduate School site for a full list of required materials and submission instructions.

Applicants evaluated as potential students will be invited for a personal interview, held on campus (all day). The interview day includes a writing sample, an interview by faculty, and time with current students.

Questions?  Email or call 973-655-3133.