The CARE Team serves Montclair State University students. Any community member is able to submit a report to the CARE Team if they are concerned about the behavior of a student.
How does someone refer a student to the team?
Any community member is able to submit a report to the CARE Team if they are concerned about the behavior of a student. Reports can be sent directly to a member of the CARE Team, via a CARE Report Form, and/or by emailing
What happens after a referral is submitted?
Once a student has been identified as needing support, the CARE Team responds with an individualized response often working with the individual(s) and/or department(s) most closely connected with the student in need. The CARE Team connects with students through a variety of methods, which can include but is not limited to: email, telephone calls, check-ins from a resident assistant and/or community director, communication with instructors, etc. The appropriateness of various contact methods is discussed by the CARE Team and the manner of outreach is determined on a case-by-case basis.
Students referred to the CARE Team are discussed by team members during weekly meetings throughout the academic year and other times as needed. This team determines if other offices have information about the identified student that may help to understand the student’s needs and level of concern. The CARE Team decides who the most appropriate person is to reach out to a student of concern. In some instances this can be accomplished without mentioning the details of the referral.
Is the CARE Team referral confidential?
You are strongly encouraged to speak directly with the student about the fact that you are concerned about him or her and that you are going to submit a referral to the CARE Team or complete a Student of Concern Form. We understand this is not always possible. In instances when you would like to keep the fact that you submitted a Student of Concern Form confidential, please indicate this on the concern form. However, it is important to note that confidentiality cannot be kept at all times and students may realize that you submitted a referral through less-direct ways (i.e., details related to that incident, information only shared by the student with one person on campus).
What kinds of concerns are appropriate to report?
Faculty and staff use the Advocate Care Network to report many types concerns. The following examples are categorized by type:
Academic: student has excessive absences, missed multiple assignments and is not responsive to instructor outreach, etc.
Campus/Social: student has expressed severe homesickness, reported serious roommate issues, etc.
Medical: student has lost a dramatic amount of weight, has left campus for surgery or treatment, reported a medical condition of concern, etc.
Mental health: a student has become withdrawn, has begun to exhibit behavior you find strange, has reported acute anxiety, submits an assignment with troubling content, etc.
Personal: student has lost a close friend or family member, reports that a parent has recently become homeless, or reports other information.
Is any issue or concern NOT appropriate for the CARE Team?
If you identify a student who is experiencing extreme distress due to alcohol or drugs, has been sexually assaulted, is physically unresponsive, or is in immediate danger of committing some form of self-harm or harm to the community please contact the Montclair State University Police Department at 973-655-5222.
In these cases, or any other extreme emergency, you are able to submit a referral after contacting the University Police Department.
What information should I include in the report?
Reports of concerns are reviewed by the University CARE Team. In order to insure that the concern is dealt with effectively, the team will benefit from the most complete description you can provide: examples of observed behaviors or details of concerning interactions, others who may have witnessed or been affected by the situation, texts of worrisome emails, etc. It is also helpful to know of any steps you have already taken to address your concerns, such as conversations you have had with the student, the student’s advisor or mentor, or another staff member to express your concern.
How do I know if a student is on the CARE Team list?
Only CARE Team members are aware of the names of students on the CARE Team agenda and given the details needed to effectively triage the student in need. The list of students on the agenda is kept confidential.
Will I be notified about any corrective action?
Our ability to provide information to the original reporter is determined by University privacy policies and the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Our “need to know” standard permits us to share confidential information regarding students with those who need the information in order to perform effectively in their jobs. If you are not directly involved in follow-up actions but have questions about the nature of the University’s response, please contact the Dean of Students.
Can CARE Team referrals be used for graduate as well as undergraduate students?
Yes, referrals can be submitted for any student (graduate or undergraduate) at Montclair State University.